Page 30 - Meeting with Children Book
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                   THE ART OF MEETING WITH


                   There are many ways to hear the voices of children

                   Children have unique ways of communicating and if
                   you listen with all of your senses, you will hear what
                   they have to say. As an adult you have gradually been
                   socialized away from the natural communication
                   styles of the child you once were. You too could speak
                   fluently in symbols and metaphors and you were once
                   able to put numerous sequences together to create
                   complex, rich narratives about your life experiences.
                   As you developed, words took over and you no longer
                   used objects, toys, pictures and movement to narrate
                   your life story and express your feelings. We now take
                   a journey back to the place you left behind; to re-visit
                   and, ironically, re-learn what came  to you  naturally
                   through play and expressive art and activities. If we
                   are to enter the world of the child and really hear what
                   they are saying, we need to re-learn the art of being a
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