Page 31 - Meeting with Children Book
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                   child. This means we need to recover what you once

                   Why We Need to Speak the Language of the
                   Children are on  a developmental trajectory. This
                   means that as time goes on, the gestures that are sent
                   from an infant to an adult and back again  become
                   more and more complex; from facial and behavioral
                   gestures to utterances and words. As a child develops
                   he/she makes use of an internal working  model or
                   framework (developed between the child and the
                   main caregivers) to make sense of the world and the
                   meaning of him/her to others. Bowlby (1973) noted
                   that over the first few years of life, patterns of
                   attachment are formed and over time these patterns
                   become stabilized expectations of how relationships
                   work. Evolving from these patterns of expectations is
                   the view of the self within relationships. If you are to
                   meet with  children, this is an important point to
                   recognize. If children have a history of a secure and
                   organized pattern in relationships with their
                   caregivers, they will likely present a positive sense of
                   self. If the child has had disturbances in his/her
                   caregiver experiences, they will more likely have less
                   positive views of  self, lower self-esteem  and less
                   ability to regulate their arousal systems and cope with

                   Without words, very young children begin to use
                   objects to express needs, feelings, ideas, and
                   thoughts. As development continues, there is an
                   increasing  internal  structure  to  hold increasingly
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