Page 32 - Meeting with Children Book
P. 32

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                   complex meanings and interactions. The younger the
                   child the less internal  structure there is to hold
                   complex patterns. By the age of 2 children are forming
                   an autobiographical self  and “the I-self /  me-self”
                   emerges. Children can begin to  tell you basic
                   information about themselves including likes and
                   dislikes and personal descriptors about the self. The
                   internal structures to hold  complex ideas and
                   situations is still very shaky for the developing child
                   and therefore they need to use their own language to
                   share emerging issues, themes, feelings and thoughts.
                   This is the language of symbols and metaphors.

                   What is a symbol?
                   It is an action, object or event that expresses or
                   represents a particular idea or quality.

                   It can be a letter or group of letters, a character or a
                   picture that is used instead of a word or group of

                   Children use symbols every day during play, school
                   and in communication with others. The action or
                   objects they use tell us about how they feel and what
                   they think.

                   Sometimes children simply use a symbol without
                   accompanying spontaneous words to explain the
                   symbol(s) and other times they use symbols and
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