Page 22 - 2020 Altiora Vol 72
P. 22

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   22 |          THE PERFORMING AR                           TS
                 THE PERFORMING ARTS

          YEAR 10 FILMMAKERS PR            O VE THEMSEL      VES AMONG THE BEST IN A            USTRALIA
          As part of our adapted Film Study Unit,
          Year 10 Drama students entered the
          inaugural Bell Shakespeare Short Film
          Festival. With the creative brief to
          ‘retell’ or ‘reimagine’ the Bard’s works,
          our two Year 10 drama classes set
          about making their short films and -
          with true BMGS Drama spirit - met the
          very short deadline of four weeks.

          There were 74 films from across
          Australia submitted for the Festival,
          with Bell Shakespeare describing
          the submissions as ‘engaging with
          Shakespeare’s language, characters
          and stories in entertaining and
          inventive ways’.
          From the original submissions, Bell shortlisted seventeen films, including our two Drama classes’ submissions!
          Our students films were The End, directed by Katerina Reynolds and featuring her Drama class, whilst the
          other, Blood on Blood was by John Zhu, Luka Donnelly and Ethan Patton, who directed their Drama class.
          The seventeen shortlisted films were then reviewed by Bell’s stellar judging panel of Peter Evans, Wayne Blair,
          Lisa McCune, Will McDonald and Kate Mulvany and, in a fantastic result, one of our students’ films - The End -
          was announced Runner Up in the Creative Vision category.  A scene from the film, in which a student is ‘visited’
          by well-known characters from Shakespeare’s plays, such as Romeo & Juliet and the witches from Macbeth, is
          shown above.

                                                              AMBASSADORS FOR THE AR
          ST OP-MO    TION FILM SUCCESS                       AMBASSADORS FOR THE ARTS

          Congratulations to Year 8 students William Louis,   After an extensive selection process, Lucy Burrell (Year 12)
          Julian Brischetto, Ben Delaney, Nathan Hilder,      has been accepted into the Youth Belvoir Theatre Club as
          Otto Merry, Samuel Gander and Matthew Clyne,        an Ambassador. Lucy attended performances, met like-
          whose Lego Stop-Motion film Sacrifice of War has    minded people and deepened her understanding about
          won the award for Best Special Effects at the 2020   theatre making throughout 2020.
          Blue Shorts Film Festival.
                                                              Also in Semester 1, the Drama Department learned that
          The students produced the film as one of the Year   Nicholas Mayrhofer (Year 12) had been selected into the
          8 Drama class assessments (Filmmaking), and         2020 Ambassadors Program at Griffin Theatre. Griffin
          over the course of Term 2, took more than 3,000     Theatre was ‘thrilled to read [Nic’s] thoughtful responses’.
          individual photos, ‘stitching’ them together to     Nicholas is the sixth BMGS student to be selected as part
          produce a finished film of 2min 26sec in length.    of this prestigious program since 2013.
                                                              The recognition of these students by these prestigious
          We congratulate the group on their outstanding
          achievement.                                        external theatre companies further promotes the School’s
                                                              reputation as a centre for excellence in the Arts.
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