Page 23 - 2020 Altiora Vol 72
P. 23
As with all co-curricular activities affected
Red Riding Hood by COVID-19 restrictions, staging this
year’s annual major production for Years 7
to 9 brought with it enormous challenges,
... reimagined! from not being able to perform to a live
audience, to not being able to mix students
in different Stage groups.
The Drama Department Staff not only
met all these challenges, they gave all the
students involved in this year’s production
an experience that was exclusive to them:
to be the first students to experience a ‘live
With the help of BMGS Alumnus Mr Dylan
Logue (2018), a talented filmmaker and
graduate of AFTRS, a scaled-down version
of this popular pantomime was captured
on film, giving the students - many of whom
will study Drama in later years - a practical
experience of filmmaking, and how sound,
lights and film all work together.
Filming the Stage 4 cast (Years 7 and
8) and the Stage 5 cast (Year 9) across
two separate weekends, the students
brilliantly - and quickly - adapted their stage
techniques and learned how to perform
‘to camera’, instead of to a live audience.
They, together with their tireless student
backstage crew, are to be commended on
the final product.
The Production team comprised:
Mrs Annette Charter, Mrs Cindy Pecovnik,
Miss Anne Cranna, Ms Danie Evans, Mrs
Julie Cooney, Mr Col Burke, Mr Dylan
Logue, Mrs Kerrie Jackson, Mr Kent
Learned, and Mr Matthew McKinnon.
We particularly wish to acknowledge Ms
Dayle Cogdon, Mr Dominic O’Donnell
and Mr Gus O’Brien Cavanough, Dylan’s
peers from AFTRS, who gave of their time
to assist with the filming and editing of the
production over both weekends.
In feature roles for this production:
In feature roles for this production:
Stage 4: Molly Jarman (Red Riding Hood), Ivy Downes (Bo Peep), Emily Monks (Dame Trot), Jesse Hardaker (Sir False Hood), James
Stage 4:
Reynolds (Hardy Hood), Sidney Edwards (Foolhardy Hood), Jack Laurie (Prince Florizel), Gracie Saunders (Poppet), Olivia Foster (Fairy
Dutiful), Leyna Hawkes (Demon Sheerspite) and Josie Howarth (Lupé) .
Stage 5: Skye Wiseman/Claudia Ivery (Red Riding Hood), Ellie Molla/Chloe Kelly (Bo Peep), Reagan Lloyd (Dame Trot), Ava Adams
Stage 5:
(Sir False Hood), Casper Larkin (Hardy Hood), Will Gee (Foolhardy Hood), Erasmus Darwin (Prince Florizel), Luca Saunders (Poppet),
Emily Colbran/Belle Townes (Fairy Dutiful), Phoebe Hines/Meaghan Docherty (Demon Sheerspite) and Jayden Gibson (Lupé).