Page 135 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
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129    Travel Reports  of the Meetings                                      130

           European                             Florian”. After a picnic in the sce-

           Connec-                              nic town of Vence with its typical

           tions                                market, the  students were intro-
                                                duced to the world of fragrances in
                                                the perfume factory in Grasse - a
           On the first day, all the pupils were   day which evokes  the German novel
           able and proud to present their      “The Perfume” by Patrick Süsskind.
           results of the work done at home:    The evening was more formal, with
           results of the questionnaires about   interviews of local representatives
           their eating habits and their grand-  and panel discussions about Euro-
           parents’ eating habits when they     pean politics.
           were young in order to see the evolu-
           tion of food trends since 1950 up to       n Wednesday we traveled to
           today. After a typical French lunch  O ancient Greece, or rather to
           at the school restaurant, they start-  the “Villa Kerylos” museum, a villa
           ed to discover Nice, spending the    built in  the style of old Greek hous-
           afternoon interviewing supermar-     es in the beautiful town of Beaul-
           ket retailers about the way they try   ieu-sur-Mer. There two guides in-
           to avoid food waste. Later, the food   formed us about banquets in ancient
           walk guided them through the old     Greece and their way of life. The pu-
           town and they tried several typical   pils had the chance to eat a picnic
           dishes from Nice. After this first day,   in front of the sea on the beach. At
           when they had to work and visit in   the end of the day, they took part in
           mixed groups, the strangers started   funny sports games around food like
           becoming friends.                    a potato-race. Finally the teacher of
                                                the regional language “Nissart” or-
           The project group started the next   ganised a workshop about tradition-
           day by a excursion in the provin-    al dances and games (“Pilou”).
           cial village of Tourette- sur-Loup,
           where they discovered how to make    On the following day we went first to
           organic sweets in the “Confiserie    a typical market in Nice, the “Marche

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