Page 140 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 140

135    Travel Reports  of the Meetings

           Arrival Day                          10am, at the gym, we had getting

                                                to know each other activities, from
           On Sunday, the 10th of March 2019,   traditional dances, in which all took
           our European partners arrived in     part to a dance exhibition. After
           Lisbon, at very different times. All   this, our guests were officially and
           were met at the airport by their host   warmly welcomed at the auditorium
           families, who took their guest stu-  by our Principal, Ms Maria de Fáti-
           dents home, and later that evening   ma Lopes and the Erasmus+-team,
           all teachers had their first dinner   Ana Melo, Francisco Ferreira and
           together. Everyone was tired, so we   Margarida Godinho. Right follow-
           had an early dinner and everyone     ing this welcome session another
           went back to their hotel. For those   one about the host country was
           who arrived earlier, families had    held, in which guests were invited
           the chance to show them around       to ask any questions to satisfy their
           the city.                            curiosity.

           Getting to                           In the afternoon teachers had their
                                                first meeting to assess mobilities
           Know Each                            and students had their afternoon

           Other                                off with their host families to foster
                                                relationships and embrace cultural
           The next day, on Monday 11th, stu-
           dents and teachers met in a room
           and had guided visits to school. At

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