Page 141 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 141

135    Travel Reports  of the Meetings                                      136

           European                             how to bake the famous Portuguese

           Connec-                              custard pastry Pastéis de nata. Then

           tions                                with our hearts and bellies filled
                                                with joy and sugar we called it a day.
                                                All students had their own private
           The day after, March 12, all Eras-   times together  and teachers shared
           mus+-participants were present-      the evening meal.
           ed with a welcome musical event
           by Danish students from Herlev               ednesday March 13th start-
           Gymnasium,  Copenhagen.  Stu- Wed early with a bus drive to
           dents from this school visit us on   have a guided visit in Companhia
           a regular yearly basis to exchange   das Lezírias  - the largest agricul-
           good practices. Then, every group of   ture, cattle and forest farmstead in
           students from the partner countries   Portugal. The Lezíria [marshy land]
           started to present and share their   lies between the Tejo and the Sor-
           pre-planned assignments namely:      raia Rivers and is divided into north
                                                and south Lezíria. There students
           1.PPT / FILMS / PREZI on three       learned a lot including about about
           food baskets of a typical fami-      wine making. The north of Lezíria
           ly-Sunday meal                       consists of about 1,300 hectares
           2. PPT – Examples of good practices   which are operated indirectly (ten-
           reg. sustainability                  ant farmers).

           3. Food on Europe’s tables – A       The south Lezíria totals about 5,200
           typical family dinner in the future.   hectares, of which 3,000 are oper-
           (films, role-plays, works of art)
                                                ated indirectly (tenant farmers) and
           This same day in the afternoon stu-  about 2,000 are used for pastures
           dents had to chance to attend a food   and fodder production. After the
           and drink workshop in the Escola     pastures and the fodder production
           Profissional de Hotelaria e Turis-   area, rice is the predominant crop,
           mo do Chiado, where they learned     covering an area of 1,100 hectares,

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