Page 136 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 136

131    Travel Reports  of the Meetings

           de la Libération”, where the students   Time to
           tasted some dishes from the French
           overseas departments. After a lunch   Say Good-
           lenged each other to win a Kahoot  bye
           at the school restaurant, they chal-

           Quiz on food ingredients. And the
           nutrition students and teachers of   After this rewarding week, the day
           Nutrition and Biology of the Sasser-  arrived when they had to say good-
           no school  prepared scientific work-  bye. During this week, the students
           shops on the influence of  food on   had a lot of fun, but also learned a lot
           our organism.                        about food and French culture. Most
                                                of them mixed with pupils of other
                 he last day had a very special   nationalities and felt sad about the
           T taste: A boat took the group       end of their meeting. Some families
           to a tiny island in beautiful weather.   tried to brighten the day by a last
           The island of Saint-Honorat near the   visit in the south of France before
           city of Cannes is known for its monks   departure.
           who produce famous olive oil and
           wine, sold in the best restaurants
           all over the world. The pupils had
           the possibility to meet one of them
           who taught them about their lives
           and congregation and about their
           agricultural activities. The students
           enjoyed very much walking around
           the island, discovering the abbey
           and splashing in the sea before a
           short boat ride back. In the evening,
           the students organised a good-bye
           party on the beach in Nice.

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