Page 138 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 138

133    Travel Reports  of the Meetings

           Monday                               mus+ representatives gave their

                                                food-related presentations, main-
           The first day we were all welcomed   ly on agriculture in our countries,
           by Principal Gunilla Blomqvist. Af-  which they had prepared at home.
           ter which we were divided by the     After the presentations were fin-
           teachers into smaller groups, then   ished, we had some free time before
           the hosts gave the visitors a tour   the bowling on Södermalm later in
           around the school. After that we     the evening.
           went to the Kärsön leisure area for
           some teambuilding games to get the   Wednesday
           group to know each other better.

           Tuesday                              On Wednesday we went to a place
                                                called “Grow together”, where we
                                                learned about  agriculture and  the
           On the second day we all went shop-  entire city gardening project they
           ping on ICA Supermarket Bromma-      had. Sadly the weather was quite
           plan. Then we went to Lake Judarn    bad so that we couldn’t do some
           in Judarskogen to barbeque differ-   practical work outside, and we had
           ent kinds of meals and have a laugh   to go back to school a bit earlier by
           with everyone. After the barbeque    both bus and metro. We then had a
           we all went back through the forest   little snack in the school cafeteria,
           and took the subway to the School    before having the rest of evening
           again. When we arrived, all Eras-    free to do what we wished.

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