Page 142 - Erasmus+ : Food on Europe's Tables
P. 142

137    Travel Reports  of the Meetings

           followed by 140 hectares  of corn.   for lunch and at
           Companhia das Lezírias has under-
           gone a series of difficulties over the   2.30 pm we had students’ group
           years. It was nationalized in 1975   work - a letter to a political repre-
           and later, in 1989, it became a pub-  sentative on most pressing food mat-
           lic limited company wholly owned by   ters – youth’s perspective – needing
           public funds.Since 1997, Companhia   to  be  tackled  by  the  EU was  pro-
           das Lezírias has consolidated its situ-  duced.
           ation over time in both technological
           and financial terms, based on a phi-       n our final day together,
           losophy of a sustained development. O March 15th day started with
                                                meeting at school’s main entrance to
           After a picnic lunch together all ar-  head for a stroll and  a guided vis-
           rived back at school at 5pm, having   it to Aqueduto Águas Livres. After
           then the opportunity to enjoy relax-  the guided visit and back to school
           ing time with families.              again, at 12pm  there was a Session
                                                held in the auditorium by a repre-
                 he next day was also a busy    sentative of Programa Nacional para
           T but very rewarding time -  at      a Promoção da Alimentação Saudáv-
           8 am we all met at the Auditorium to   el, DGS. (National Programme for
           share students’ presentations on     the Promotion of Healthy Food) in
                                                which students had the chance to en-
           1. Role-Play Panel Discussion about   thusiastically contribute with their
           European Laws regarding fish quota   knowledge on the subject.

           2.  Food Labelling
                                                The afternoon was free for students
           At 10.30am in split groups students   and families. It culminated with an
           and teachers headed for the careful-  excellent afternoon spent on the
           ly planned Food Walk – Itinerary     beach, with the whole group of stu-
           planned for 5 different groups. Two   dents. And then it was ...
           hours later we all met at school again

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