Page 53 - phytochemistry II -pharmD general
P. 53

is a preparation containing Hydrochlorides of mixed opium alkaloids.
Noscapine was removed from the BP formulation due to the genotoxic potential
of noscapine.

    Papaveratrum has analgesic and narcotic properties of morphine and is used
in the treatment of moderate and severe pain and for pre-operative sedation
usually in conjunction with hyoscine.
Pharmacological action and uses
The pharmacological activity of opium is due to the alkaloid morphine which acts
first as stimulating then depressant to the central nervous system and respiratory

   ➢ Opium is not as effective as morphine because of its slower absorption, but
       it has a greater constipating action and is thus better used in antidiarrheal
       preparations :Tincture opii camphorata (Elixir paregoric).

   ➢ Opium also exerts a valuable expectorant action (Dover’s powder)
   ❑ Morphine: powerful analgesic drug.(pain-killer)
   ❑ Codeine: is much weaker in action than morphine, development of tolerance

       and addiction is less. It is mainly used to relief dry initiating cough.
   ❑ Papaverine: is chiefly used as smooth muscle relaxant especially in

       bronchial asthma, arterial spasm and intestinal colic.
   ❑ Narcotine: is effective cough sedative,
   ❑ Apomorphine: has little depressant action on CNS, but is an effective as

       emetic, expectorant and aphrodisiac.

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