Page 114 - Pharmacognosy-I (02-06-06-102)
P. 114
1- Treatment and prophylactic treatment of migraine.
However, it is not effective in treatment of acute migraine
attack. (Tablets: 0.125mg powder)
2- Treatment of fever.
3- for Rheumatoid arthritis.
4- As a remedy for menstrual discomforts.
Tilia BP 2008
(Lime Flower)
Lime flower consists of the whole, dried inflorescence
with their attached bracts of Tilia cordata Miller, of Tulia
platyphyllos Scop., of Tilia vulgaris Heyne or a mixture of
these, family Tiliaceae
Macroscopic Characters:
The inflorescence is dichasial cyme of 1 to 15 mostly 3 to 7
yellowish to brownish flowers carried on a peduncle, 6 to 9 cm
The bract is adnated for one third to half its length to the stalk
of the inflorescence. It if linear lanceolate, pale yellowish green
in colour, glabrous membranous about 10 cm long and 2 cm
wide with an entire margin, pinnate venation and obtuse apex.
The flowers are regular perfect, 5 to 10 mm. broad borne on a
pedicel about 2 cm long.