Page 115 - Pharmacognosy-I (02-06-06-102)
P. 115
Sepals are 5, free and hairy.
Petals are 5, spathulate, glabrous with rounded apex.
Stamens are numerous, pentadelphous (filaments united in 5
groups) with ovoid anthers.
Ovary is pentacarpellary, pentalocular and superior.
Microscopic Characters:
Tilia shows mucilage cells and cluster crystals of calcium
oxalate in all tissues of the flowers.
Three types of nonglandular hairs are present:
a- Unicellular and strongly bent, on the edges of the petals.
b- Unicellular and straight, on the inner surface of petals.
c- Muticellular and stellate on the ovary wall.
The pollen grains are finely pitted.
1- Flavonoid glycosides of quercetin e.g. rutin
2- Mucilage consists of galactomanase.
3 -01% volatile oil with the main components: farnesol, farnesyl
acetate, geraniol and eugenol.
4- Glycoside Tiliacin.