Page 27 - Pharmacognosy-I (02-06-06-102)
P. 27

Nux vomica nut (‫)بذر الجوز المقيء‬

Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the ripe, dried seeds of Strychnos

nuxvomica, Family Loganiacea


Nux vomica seeds contains up to 5.3 % of total alkaloids consisting chiefly of
strychnine and brucine. Strychnine is much more pharmacologically active
than brucine, therefore the seeds are assayed for strychnine only.
2-The seeds also the glycoside loganoside (loganin).

Actions and uses:

Strychnine is responsible for inhibiting postsynaptic glycine receptors,
mostly in the spinal cord, causing painful, involuntary skeletal muscle

   1. Nux vomica, powder or crude galenicals are used as
       a bitter stomachic and tonic.

   2. Strychnine has CNS stimulant. It is used as
       a respiratory stimulant in certain cases of poisoning with central
       nervous system depressant.

   3. Strychnine combined with the alkaloid yohimbine which is used as

   4. Brucine is less toxic and is used as alcohol denaturant.

Precautions and adverse reactions:

The drug is severely toxic due to the strychnine content and is not
recommended for use. The toxic principal strychnine deadens the inhibitory
synapse of the CNS and results in overextended musculature reactions and
increased reflex excitability.

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