Page 262 - Pharmaceutics IV (02-06-01305)
P. 262


             About MDI..

    MDIs generate aerosol for inhalation by expelling a measured
    dose of pressurized liquid propellant containing drug via an
    They are portable, easy to use, and the most commonly used
    inhalation aerosol devices today
    Drug solubility, vapor pressure, surface tension, solubility of
    oxygen/hygroscopicity, and density affect the effectiveness of
    drug delivery through the MDIs.(important)
    MDIs are commonly used for the delivery of drugs for asthma
    and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD).

                                                                      Prof Alyaa Ramadan, ceutics, AU


Factors affecting MDI efficiency

  PATIENT’S  BREATHING                                                                                  HAND–MOUTH
INSPIRATORY    PATTERN                                                                                 COORDINATION.

                 (Increase in tidal volume                                                             Most patients need to
             (volume of air moved into or out                                                          be trained for proper

                of the lungs during normal                                                                use of the MDI.
                breathing) and decrease in                                                             (community course)
              respiratory frequency increase
             peripheral drug deposition in the

                            lung. )

                                                                      Prof Alyaa Ramadan, ceutics, AU


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