Page 265 - Pharmaceutics IV (02-06-01305)
P. 265


       Challenges associated with using MDI

   High velocity of the generated aerosol spray causes
   substantial oropharyngeal deposition by impaction,
   which results in poor drug delivery to the lung.

  qBronchospasm may be due to:

      – The propellants in the MDI(CFC)
      – Benzalkonium chloride preservative

                                                                      Prof Alyaa Ramadan, ceutics, AU


         How to overcome?

   qThe patient may be advised to

         – Switch to dry powder inhalers…next slides
         – Switch to a hydrofluoroalkane metered-dose inhaler.
         – Use a spacer (Role?)

                   ü It reduces aerosol velocity.
                   ü It overcomes difficulties in the coordination of inhalation and

                      actuation, especially for pediatric patients, resulting in improved
                      dosing reproducibility.

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                                                                      Prof Alyaa Ramadan, ceutics, AU


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