Page 8 - PSLBook7A2021EdLesson11-15
P. 8

Grammar Point 2 Word Pairs: Punjabi, like English has word pairs that always come together.

           They make an impact in speaking, reading and writing.
           Sbd                      mqlb                      Sbd                      mqlb

             1. jnm-mrn             birth-death               4. AMdr-bwhr             in-out
             2. v~fy-Coty           big-small                 5. au~qy-Q~ly            up-down

             3. Kwx-pIx             eat-drink                 6. au~cw-nIvW            high-low

           Grammar Point 3: Homonyms: Punjabi, like English has homonyms. These are words that have

           the same spellings but their meanings are different.
           Sbd                         mqlb                Sbd                 mqlb
           1. q~k (4 qoN 5 vjy q~k)   till                 1. q~k              look

           2. joVy (mYN h~Q joVy)      folded/fixed/tied  2. joVy              pair of something/shoes

           3. (iek) vwr                turn                3. vwr (AYqvwr)  day

           4. Kwxw (rwq dw Kwxw)       food                4. Kwxw             to eat

           5. iPr (iPr pVHo)           again               5. iPr  (GuMm  iPr  walk around
                                                           ky sYr kro)

           au~pr ilKy koeI do joVy homoinmz nUM vwkW ivc vrqo[




           mMglvwr Gr dw kMm: iehnW pRSnW dy TIk au~qr ilKo[
            1. bUVw jI iks ipMf dy rihx vwly sn?


            2. bwbw bu~Fw jI ny ikhVy gurU swihbwn nUM guirAweI dw iqlk lwieAw?



            3. bwbw bu~Fw jI ny gurU nwnk dyv jI nUM iks du~K nUM dUr krn dI bynqI kIqI?

           Stepping Stones PSL Punjabi Reader 7A                                        2021 Edition                                                         Page 34
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