Page 16 - PSLgurmatbook62020
P. 16
Gangu betrayed Mata Gujri Ji and Sahibzadas. They were arrested
and brought to the court. The door to the court was quite low. The
emperor wanted the Sahibzadas to bend their heads as they enter
the court. But the Sahibzadas were smart. When they saw the low
door, they put their foot forward first so they won’t have to bend
their heads to the emperor.
The Mughal ruler saw their dignity and courage and was quite
impressed. The Sahibzadas stood tall in front of him. He asked the
young Sahibzadas to become Muslims and live a happy life. The
Sahibzadas refused. The angry Mughals put the Sahibzadas and
Mata Gujri into a cold tower called Thanda Burj (TMfw burj). It was
freezing cold and windy. Mata Gujri Ji tried to keep the Sahibzadas
warm in her lap. They had no blankets.
Early in the morning, Mata Gujri Ji woke the Sahibzadas up. They
were ready to go to the Mughal ruler. The guard came and took the
Sahibzaday away from Mata Gujri Ji. They were asked to accept
Islam and become Muslims. They refused. Then Suba Sirhind
became angry. He decided to kill both of them. Some men in his
court told him to not do this terrible atrocity since they were only
children. But he did not care. He wanted to get rid of all Sikhs,
especially Guru Gobind Singh Ji and his family. He ordered that both
young Sahibzaday be bricked alive.
A few days later, the Sahibzadas were made to stand up, and a brick
wall was built around them. They smiled all the time. They said
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh even when they knew
they will die soon. They gave their lives keeping their Sikh faith.
They were not even 7 and 9 years old when they were martyred.
Mata Gujri Ji died the same day in the cold tower.
Now we remember the Chaar Sahibzaday in our Ardas every day. We
also call them Baba. Baba means wise one.
Sikh History and Gurmat Sikhia Book 6 2020 Edition Page 14