Page 18 - PSLgurmatbook62020
P. 18
Lesson 7: Shaheedi of Vadday Sahibzaday
The Battle of Chamkaur Sahib was fought between the Khalsa led by
Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the Mughal forces led by Wazir Khan. This
is the battle in which Sahibzada Ajit Singh and Sahibzada Jujhar
Singh would attain martyrdom.
What happened before the battle of Chamkaur Sahib?
In December of 1705, Guru Gobind Singh Ji and a few hundred
Sikhs were in a garhi or fort at Anandpur Sahib. The Mughal forces
surrounded the fort.
The Sikhs subjected them to lightning raids in which they seized
the supplies and killed many enemy soldiers. It went on for seven
months and the imperial force suffered massive losses. But then the
Mughal forces cut off the Sikhs from outside. The Sikhs ran out of
supplies. There was nothing to eat in the stores. They would eat
bark of the trees. It was cold winter.
There was a group of forty Sikhs who could not take it anymore.
They wrote a note to Guru Gobind Singh Ji telling him that he was
not their Guru and they were not his Sikhs. They left Anandpur fort
and returned home. However, they would return a few days later and
fight alongside Guru Ji and attain martyrdom. We know them as
Chaali Muktay.
Deceitful Wazir Khan swore on Quran and promised Guru Gobind
Singh Ji and the Sikhs a safe exit out of Anandpur fort.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji did not believe him a bit, but he decided to
leave. On the night of December 5, 1705 as Guru Ji and the Sikhs
came out, the Mughal army attacked from behind. Many Sikhs were
killed. The rest scattered in all directions for safety. River Sirsa
was swollen with rain. Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the two older
Sahibzaday and about 40 Sikhs crossed the river and made it into a
Sikh History and Gurmat Sikhia Book 6 2020 Edition Page 16