Page 51 - Gurmat Book 7
P. 51
ijnHW isMGW isMGxIAW ny Drm hyq sIs idqy, bMd bMd ktwey,
KoprIAW luhweIAW, crKVIAW qy cVyH, AwirAW nwl icrwey gey,
gurduAwirAW dI syvw leI kurbwnIAW kIqIAW, Drm nhI hwirAw,
is~KI kysW suAwsW nwl inbwhI, iqnHW dI kmweI dw iDAwn Dr ky bolo jI vwihgurU]
pMjW q^qW, srb~q gurduAwirAW dw iDAwn Dr ky, bolo jI vwihgurU]
The Sikh Ardas demands a complete surrender to Divine Will. This submission
eliminates the ego - the wall which stands between man and his Creator. The
words uttered in the Ardas are our common valuable heritage.
ipRQmy srb~q Kwlsw jI kI Ardws hY jI, srb~q Kwlsw jI ko,
vwihgurU vwihgurU vwihgurU ic~q Awvy,
ic~q Awvn kw sdkw, srb suK hovy]
jhW jhW Kwlsw jI swihb, qhW qhW r~iCAw irAwieq,
dyg qyg Pqih, ibrd kI pYj, pMQ kI jIq, sRI swihb jI shwie,
Kwlsy jI ky bol bwly, bolo jI vwihgurU]
In the following section, Sikhs pray and asks for many spiritual gifts that will
help them on the path of Sikhi.
is~KW nUM is~KI dwn, kys dwn, rihq dwn, ibbyk dwn, ivswh dwn, Brosw dwn,
dwnw isr dwn nwm dwn, sRI AMimRqsr jI dy drSn ieSnwn,
cONkIAW JMfy buMgy jugo jug At~l, Drm kw jYkwr
bolo jI vwihgurU]
The next section prays for the Sikhs to have humble mind and high intellect, and
may Waheguru Himself be the protector of their intellect and honor. There is a
request to give Sikhs access to serve and have darshan of Gurdwaras left in
isKW dw mn nIvW, mq a~ucI, mq pq dw rwKw Awip vwihgurU]
hy Akwl purK Awpxy pMQ dy sdw shweI dwqwr jIE! sRI nnkwxw swihb Aqy hor
gurduAwry gurDwmW dy, ijnHW nUM pMQ qoN ivCoiVAw igAw hY, KulHy drSn dIdwr qy syvw
sMBwl dw dwn Kwlsw jI nUM bKSo[
In the following section, the purpose of the Ardas is stated. We ask for
forgivenss for any errors and omissions. We ask for company of Gursikhs, who
Stepping Stones PSL Gurmat Sikhia Book 7G 2023 Edition Page 49