Page 52 - Gurmat Book 7
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may  connect  us  with  Naam.  The  Ardas  ends  with  (Nanak  Naam  Chardi  Kala…)

             requestinging  wellbeing  of  all.  "Blessed  by  Nanak,  may  our  spirits  be  ever  on
             ascendance. Waheguru Ji, may the whole world be blessed in Your will". The word

             "Nanak" is the seal as in most hymns of the Gurus. In Gurdwaras we also ask for

             the blessing of “Hukam” from Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

                            hy inmwixAW dy mwx, inqwixAW dy qwx, inEitAW dI Et,
                s~cy ipqw vwihgurU Awp jI dy hzUr (purpose of Ardas) dI Ardws hY jI[A~Kr
                           vwDw Gwtw Bul cu~k mwP krnI, srb~q dy kwrj rws krny]

                                     Awpxy hukmnwmy bKS ky inhwl krnw jI ]
                                syeI ipAwry myl, ijnHW imilAW qyrw nwm ic~q AwvYy,

                                 nwnku nwm cVHdI klw, qyry Bwxy srb~q dw Blw]

             The Ardas is recited in the Punjabi language. This reinforces the importance of

             language  and culture in Sikhism.  The  Sikh Ardas  is a prayer that is recited by

             Sikhs at the end of their daily Diwan or on special occasions such as weddings,
             funerals, and other important events. In some situations, a shorter or modified

             Ardas may be performed. But the first section paying repect to the Guru Sahiban

             including Sri Guru Granth Sahib and the last two lines “nwnku nwm cVHdI klw, qyry
             Bwxy srb~q dw Blw]” may not be changed. At the end of Ardas, everyone bows

             to  Sri  Guru  Granth  Sahib  and  touches  heads  to  the  floor.  After  getting  up

             everyone says “Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh”. This is followed
             by Jaikara “ Bole So Nihal; Sat Sri Akal”. Granthi Singh turns the pages of Sri

             Guru  Granth  Sahib  to  a  page  at  random  and  reads  a  shabad  from  it.  This  is

             considered as the Guru’s “Hukam” or command for the congregation.

             Sometimes  before  the  Jaikara,  a  couplet  may  be  recited  by  the  entire
             congregation, which is, "Agya Bhei Akal ki tabhi chalayo Panth… khwaar hoi sabh

             milainge, bachay sharan jo hoi". Sometimes, additional couplets "Waheguru Naam

             Jahaaj hai … Gur paar utaaran haar", or "Khanda ja ke haath mein Kalgi sohay sees
             … Kalgi Dhar Jagdish", are also recited, and after this the Jaikara follows. Hukam

             from  Sri  Guru  Granth  sahib  makes  the  service  complete.  To  learn  more  about
             Ardas  and  its  meaning  in  English,  see  the  onlne  resources.  e.g.


             Stepping Stones PSL Gurmat Sikhia Book 7G                          2023 Edition                                                                           Page  50
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