P. 66

We recommend that the song be presented in a very interactive way, prompting
            the children to name the animals and pick up the correct animal puppet when

            singing the corresponding part.

            Teacher - Baba Ditte Da Farm See
            Students follow with - hanji, hanji, haan

            As a suggestion, you may introduce each new stanza and animal in the following

            Hold up the stick puppet displaying the rooster and hen, ask the students to find

            their own stick puppet and hold it up. Ask them if they know the animal in English
            and then ask if they know the term in Punjabi. Ask them if they remember the
            sound the animal makes. Continue with the song:

            Teacher - Farm te san murgey murghiyan
            Students - Hanji, hanji, haan
            Both - kood kood ithe nale kood kood othe,

            Ithe kood othe kood, har thaan kood kood

            For the subsequent stanzas, we do not feel it is important to repeat the question
            segment once the animal has been introduced and reviewed, the students will
            learn with repetition. The dialogue segment should only be repeated for each
            new animal.

            Continue with the same format for the remainder of the song. We have
            experienced that the students particularly love the last stanza as they have to

            remember which animal is next in the sequence as they are following along.

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