Page 23 - ISA -مدرسة أسماء الابتدائية ب - غزة- أ.سوزان الجمل
P. 23
International School Award 2015-16: ACTION PLAN TEMPLATE
SECTION 1: School Details
Name of the School :Asma Elem. Co. Ed. "B" School.
Type of School (Please tick the box that best describes your school)
Pre-Primary / Primary School × Secondary School
Senior Secondary School Special School
Prep. School
Total no. of pupils 1011______________ Age range of students__6____ to _12_____ years
Head teacher / Principal: __Amal Mustafa_____________________
ISA Coordinator : __suzan saber el jamal_______________________
Postal address of the School
Palestine – Gaza Strip – Beach Camp
Telephone (School)
2882331___________ Fax
Telephone (ISA Coordinator) ______________0592127174_______
Email 1
Affiliation to School Board
Data Protection Notice
Thank you for sharing your information with us. This information will not be shared with any other organisation for any
purpose and will remain the property of the British Council who may use it for the purpose of promoting British Council
activities. This may include placing your photograph(s) in our publications, and in our promotional materials. We may
want to use your information to send you details of Council activities, services and events (including social events) which
you might find of interest. We will disclose this information to the ISA panel. You have the right to ask for a copy of the
information we hold about you.
SECTION 2 Background Information
This section will not be assessed.
2.1 Your reasons for applying for the International School Award (maximum 3 bullet points)
1- To develop the capacity of communication with teachers and students .
2- To access a world culture.
3- To enhance the collaboration and learning between our school and others .
4-Open window onto the world