Page 70 - MNU-PM502- Pharmaeutical Microbiology Theoritical Book
P. 70

Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program        Third Level          Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)

                  1- Air Samplers (active air sampling)

                  •  Air samplers draw in predetermined volumes of air.

                  •   The air is drawn over a sterile media plate, which is later
                      incubated to reveal the number of viable organisms per
                      cubic feet or liter

                  •  correlate microbial contamination with measured air flow.

                  2- Settling plates (passive air sampling)

                  sterile growth media are exposed to the environment for a
                  specific period of time, usually between 30-60 minutes or up
                  to 4 hours before compromising the integrity of the media

                  Only give qualitative results

              •  A sampling plan describing procedures and identifying sample sites, sampling
                 numbers and sample frequency should be developed and properly documented in

                 order to demonstrate that there is a constant level of control over the environment
                 within the clean room facilities.
              •  (European Union) EUGGMP 2002 Recommended Limits for Microbial


                    Grade           Air sample        Settle plates (90mm  Contact plates         Glove print
                                     (CFU/m3)               diameter)              (55mm           (5 fingers)
                                                          (CFU/4hours)           diameter)        (CFU/glove)
                         A         < 3                       < 3                     < 3             < 3
                         B          10                        5                       5                5
                         C         100                        50                     25                -
                         D         200                       100                      50               -

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