P. 12
A. I can speak Javanese fluently
B. I could speak Javanese fluently
C. I will speak Javanese fluently
D. I would speak Javanese fluently
Jawaban : 1. A Expressing of ability
2. B Incapability
3. B Sure, I can
4. A Can
5. A I can speak Javanese fluently
4.2 4.2.4. Mengurutkan teks Rearrange these following 25
ungkapan sentences into a good dialog
melakukan sesuatu Dadang : Oops! I don’t think I can.
I have never done it
before, sir. (1)
Dadang : Yes, Sir. Let me handle
it. (2)
Mr. Adi: Can you connect this
scanner to the computer,
Dadang? (3)
Mr. Adi: can you scan this
document into JPEG
file? I have another thing
to finish. (4)
Answer :
Mr. Adi: ……………………
Dadang : ……………………
Mr. Adi: …………………….
Dadang: ………………………
Answer : (3) (2) (4) (1)
4.2.5. Membuat dialog Create short dialogs based on the
ungkapan words provided, then practice the
kemampuan dan dialogs with a friend.
kemauan melakukan a. Type a report – yes
sesuatu b. Buy avocado juice – no
c. Wash smelly shocks – no
d. Stay home alone - yes
6. Pedoman Penilaian