P. 11

A. Expression of ability
                                                            B. Expression of like
                                                            C. Expression of annoyance
                                                            D. Expression of surprise

                                                            2. Dewi : Can you help me to lift
                                                                      this    heavy     table?
                                                               Dena : I am sorry, I am not
                                                                      able to lift it in that way.
                                                                      It is too heavy for me.
                                                            The underlined sentence shows
                                                            A. Surprise
                                                            B. Incapability
                                                            C. Capability
                                                            D. Like
                                                            E. Advice
                            3.2.2.  Mengidentifikasi        3.  Maya : Can you help me doing   10
                                   struktur           teks                  my homework?
                                   ungkapan                    Doni : …………………
                                   kemampuan          dan
                                   kemauan     melakukan  The best response that is given by
                                   sesuatu                  Doni ……..
                                                            A.  I am sorry to hear that
                                                            B.  Sure, I can.
                                                            C.  I ask for you apologize
                                                            D.  No, I can’t swim
                            3.2.3. Menyebutkan      unsur- 4.  Dea: why do you need an egg      10
                                   unsur      keba-hasaan                whisker, Ran?
                                   ungkapan                     Rani: I will learn to make a pie.
                                   kemampuan          dan       Dea : Do you think you…
                                   kemauan     melakukan                  it?
                                   sesuatu.                     Rani: I think so, that’s why I
                                                                          need to learn.
                                                                Dea: Let me help you then
                                                                Rani: thanks

                                                            The suitable word to complete the
                                                            dialog is….
                                                                A.  Can
                                                                B.  Have
                                                                C.  Should
                                                                D.  Will.
                            3.2.4.  Menerapkan  unsur  –  5.  Nadine : Besides English,         25
                                   unsur      keba-hasaan        what language can you speak?
                                   ungkapan                      Indy : __________________
                                   melakukan sesuatu        The suitable expression to com-
                                                            plete the dialogue is …
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