Page 57 - Demo
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44 NO B.S. Time Management for EntrepreneursCHAPTER 3 / HOW TO DRIVE A STAKE THROUGH THE HEARTS OF THE TIME VAMPIRES OUT TO SUCK YOU DRYTime Management, continuedI would log in to the meeting room two minutes prior to the designated time. The Infusionsoft system automatically sends an email to the client 15 minutes prior saying I started preparing for our call and I am looking forward to talking to them. The system even sends them an email the night before saying, %u201cprepping for tomorrow, please click here to answer a few questions so I am ready for our call.%u201dOne thing I took to heart was %u201cpunctuality.%u201d When you show up on time or before and the other person does not, you do have an upper hand. What I learned is that an appointment is a contract, and when you are late you are in violation of the contract, and when you do that it shatters trust, destroys your credibility, and you have to %u201cspin%u201d to get back on track. On the other hand, when you are on time or slightly early, everyone is calm and there is an establishment of trust, respect, and peace that becomes an excellent environment to have a conversation.Another thing I established in my life is a predetermined %u201cend time.%u201d I am looking at the clock every two to three minutes to make sure I have enough time to cover everything I want to cover. I also periodically check with the client how we are doing on time, and when I am about three-quarters of the way through the allocated time, I ask the client, %u201cWhat is your schedule like, in case we go over?%u201d This is a gentle reminder that we are approaching the finish line and we need to either start winding up or schedule another call. I found it better to ask about their clock and not boast about my clock, but it yields the same result.