Page 41 - New Employee Glossary
P. 41

Glossary    41

               Reporting application that maps directly to the General Ledger. Used during close
               consolidation process and external reporting.

               Market Capitalization (MCAP)

               The market value of a firm’s common stock. It is obtained by multiplying the number of
               shares outstanding by their current price per share. Generally, the U.S. market recognizes
               three market cap divisions: large cap, midcap, and small cap, although the cutoffs between
               the categories are not precise or fixed.

               Marketing Authorization Application (MAA)

               The vehicle through which drug sponsors formally propose that a regulatory agency approve
               a new pharmaceutical for sale and marketing in Europe. European equivalent of a New Drug
               Application (NDA)

               Master Services Agreement (MSA)

               Initial agreement signed by a vendor and Biogen to define the official terms of the
               relationship, which is a legally binding document. The legal department has an official
               template to be used.

               Material Information

               Information is material if "there is a substantial likelihood that a reasonable shareholder
               would consider it important" in making an investment decision. Information is nonpublic if it
               has not been disseminated in a manner making it available to investors generally.

               Maximum Treatment Dose (MTD)

               Highest dose of a treatment administered without unacceptable adverse events or toxicity

               Mechanism of Action (MOA)

               The specific biochemical interaction through which a drug substance produces its
               pharmacological effect.

               Medical Coder (MC)

               Ad hoc SMT representative from Data Management that is responsible for coding the AEs,
               Conmeds and other data as required.

               Medical Coding Steering Committee (MCSC)
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