Page 45 - New Employee Glossary
P. 45
Glossary 45
Type of cancer originating in lymphatic system, characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of
lymphocytes white blood cells
Non-recurring Events
This is the cost of any one-time expenses, for instance, restructuring the business, a major
layoff, or an un-reimbursed casualty loss. These are shown on a separate line so as to not
confuse the "continuing operations" figure above.
Occupation Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
Federal agency charged with the enforcement of health and safety legislation.
Ongoing Data Review Plan (ODRP)
Document delineating the specific data reviews that are necessary for ongoing data quality
in a clinical trial. Also includes rationale for analysis & plans for remediation if necessary.
Operating Cash Flow
The sum of net profits, depreciation, changes in accruals, and change in accounts payable,
minus change in accounts receivable and minus change in inventories.
Operating Center Dimension
Gives the ability to report by management responsibility.
Operating Expenses (OPEX)
An expense arising in the normal course of running a business. See “Expense.”
Operating Income
A measure of a company’s earning power from ongoing operations, equal to earnings before
deduction of interest payments and income. Calculated by subtracting operating expenses
from gross profit. Also called operating profit or earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT).
Operating Margin
A ratio used to measure a company’s pricing strategy and operating efficiency and what
proportion of a company’s revenue is left over after paying for operating expenses. The ratio