Page 48 - New Employee Glossary
P. 48

Glossary    48

               PA Web ADI Standard Template Category DFF

               Populates based on the selection you made for the GL Accrual, Expense or Prepaid account
               in the Attribute Category.

               PA Web ADI Standard Template Expand Type

               This is where you select your expense account. This is the account you are debiting if you
               enter a positive number in the quantity.

               PA Web ADI Standard Template Expenditure Comment

               This is a field where you can make notes about the entry (i.e. what it is for, PO Number, etc.)

               PA Web ADI Standard Template Expand Ending Date

               Populate with any Sunday of the current month. As a best practice, select the last Sunday of
               the current month. Reason behind this is because PA is based on time tracking and payroll

               PA Web ADI Standard Template Expand Item Date

               Select any day prior to or equal to the Expand Ending Date. This is the date that the actual
               transaction happened. As a best practice, select the same date as the Expand Ending Date.

               PA Web ADI Standard Template Organization Name

               This will populate the Company Code and Cost Center to which the entry will be charged. You
               must be exact when selecting the name, so as a best practice, select from your LOV.

               PA Web ADI Standard Template Original Trans Ref

               This is a unique reference for this transaction. See the Batch Name Selection Process.

               PA Web ADI Standard Template Project Number

               You will need to select the appropriate project number in this field.

               PA Web ADI Standard Template Quantity

               This is the amount of the entry. This should be entered as a positive number for Debits to
               Expense accounts. This can be a positive (debit for an expense) or negative (credit for an
               expense). A negative would be a reversal of an expense.

               PA Web ADI Standard Template Task Number
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