P. 140

         These techniques are commonly used to strike against grapple and grapple attempts, or while grappling, but
         may also be used as independent strikes.

                                                                                                     Ki     Exp. Points
          TECHNIQUES                DESCRIPTION                           EFFECTS                  Energy  to Purchase
                                                                                                   To Use   Technique
          Inverted Punch    A punch used for close quarters   –1 STR when used as a strike;
                            where one can not fully extend    +1 to Break Grip rolls
                            the arm or can be used to counter  Prerequisite: Rising Punch            8        22

                            grapple attempts.
          Side Jab Elbow  A quick strike to the side used to  -2 STR when used as a strike;
                            break side grapple attempts.      +2 to rolls to break grip verse Side
                                                              Grapples                               3        18

              (Recharge)                                      Prerequisite: Back Jab Elbow
            Roundhouse      A strike thrown on the horizontal  -1 STR when used as a strike;
              Elbow         plane, usually from a standing,   +2 to rolls to break grip verse
                            mount or guard position, using a   Front Grapples                        4        16

                            torque of the hips.               Prerequisite: Hook Punch
            Downward        A strike thrown on the horizontal  +2 STR when used as a strike from
              Elbow         plane, usually from a mount po-   any Mount Ground position; +1 to
                            sition, downward.                 rolls to break grip verse Front        4        25

              (Recharge)                                      Prerequisite: Vertical Punch
                            A strike thrown on the vertical   +2 STR when used as a strike from
          Upward Elbow      plane, usually from a guard posi-  any Guard Ground position; +1 to
                            tion, upward.                     rolls to break grip verse Front        4        23
   h          (Recharge)                                      Prerequisite: Inverted Punch
   p      Back Jab Elbow  A quick strike to the back used     -1 STR when used to strike;
   t                        to break side grapple attempts.   +2 to rolls to break grip verse Back
   e                                                                                                 3        16
   r                                                          Grapples
                                                              Prerequisite: Hook Punch
                            A kick used for close quarters    -1 STR when used to strike;
            Knee Strike     where one can not fully extend    +3 to rolls to break grip verse
                            the leg or can be used to counter   Front Grapples                       4        15
                            grapple attempts.                 Prerequisite: Front Thrust or Snap

              (Recharge)                                      Kick

   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143   144   145