Page 8 - Llano Happenings February 2018
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Llano Grande Birders Tally News from the Golf Course

If you happened to look  out your window in the Can you believe it, it is February already?
early morning of Dec. 20 you might have thought
that we were under attack when you saw groups of If you have not visited the golf course
people, many of whom were dressed in “camo”, please do so and take advantage of the
carrying binoculars and other gear, sneaking golf course and also the Double Bogey Bar
around our Park. Let me explain this and Grill.
phenomenon! Llano Grande Birders were assigned
a large area  (consisting of our entire Park, the Fred Goldsberry is also appearing here
golf course, the east and west levees and Resaca two times on Fridays 3-5pm in February
area as well as mile 2 west down to Business 83) in and March. Watch Channel 3 for dates.
which to conduct the National Audubon Society’s
Official Christmas Bird Count in the Rio Grande If the course is closed due to bad weather,
Valley. Many groups across the United States, we will still have the Bar and Grill open
Canada and beyond were also taking part in this for business (Tuesday thru Saturday).
official Count on one specific day during the dates
of Dec 14th to Jan 5th. Once submitted to a central Please come and enjoy the beautiful
office, the results of the Count are  tallied up and scenery and good food....
analyzed to find patterns in our bird populations
in the Western Hemisphere. Contributed by Sharon Koch

Birders pictured from left to right: Gary Jensen, Lynne Richardson, Join the fun Thursday, February 22nd
Larrie Davies at the BS Bar 1:30-3:00pm
$5 per hand
It is a very worthwhile scientific study that has
been going on for over 100 years and much has Are you in?
been learned about our bird populations. Our
Llano Grande Birders reported that 73 different
species were seen and 1,998 individual birds were
counted during the morning of December 20th.
Those numbers were up slightly from last year
despite the cold weather here. We are anxiously
awaiting the numbers and trends for the entire
Rio Grande Valley and North America in general.
Perhaps we will find another opportunity to share
the results with  you when we sponsor our annual
“ Photo Night” at the Rec Hall at 7:00 pm on
Sunday, March 4th. Hope to see you there!
Anna Staples, President, Llano Grande Birding
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