Page 3 - Microsoft Word - Creative Visualisation Transcript
P. 3

together visual mental imagery of what you are wanting to manifest. Consequently,
               you can start to gain emotions associated with the desired image associated with the
               desired image. Simply, creative visualisation is where you visualize what you want
               and experience the emotions or feelings you would have if it were true.

               No matter what you desire, whether it is to quit smoking or find inner peace .... lose
               weight or travel overseas.... find a better, more fulfilling career or create better
               health... recapture the love in an ailing relationship or improve your finances, creative
               visualisation is the rocket fuel form achieving your goals and desires.

               In this bonus session you’ll learn how you can use creative visualisation to transform
               the energy of desire into a powerful magnetic force to attract the things you want to
               be, have and do into your life faster than conventional goal setting techniques.
               Creative visualisation is much more than positive thinking, it contains easy to follow
               techniques to manifest your desires. This can then help you to put your goals and
               desires out into the Universe and start to feel motivated to achieve them. Much like a
               board of your visions, but the imagery is in your mind, not physical, although both
               creative visualisation and a physical vision board have very similar purposes.

               Walt Disney is another example of someone who believed in creative visualization
               and used it to create his entertainment empire. He called the process "imagineering."
               When you visit Disneyland or Disney World you are seeing examples of "the dream
               that you wish will come true." Many years ago, I heard a story that I like to think is
               true. Apparently, years after Disneyland and Disney World were completed,
               someone said to Mike Vance, the Creative Director of Walt Disney Studios, "Isn't it a
               shame that Walt Disney didn't live long enough to see this?" Apparently, Mike Vance
               replied, "But he did see it. That's why it's here." Walt Disney may well have been the
               world's greatest creative visualizer.

               No matter what your present situation may be, you are using your creative mind to
               attract to you whatever it is you think about all the time. If you think you're unlucky or
               unfortunate, for instance, your subconscious mind will make this a reality. Most
               people use this ability unknowingly and are not aware that they can deliberately use
               creative visualization to transform their lives. It's sad that most people use the
               incredible potential of creative visualization for negative purposes, when, with just a
               little effort, they could use it to achieve positive and productive goals.

               Albert Einstein (1879-1955) is best known for his general theory of relativity, but he
               also devised totally new ways of looking at time, space, and gravity. He used
               creative visualization techniques throughout his life. He said: "Words or language
      not seem to play any role in my mechanism of thought ...My elements of
               thought are . . . images." As a kid Einstein was an underachiever, he used to have to
               get tutorials in maths. Despite this, his big breakthroughs came because he put a
               huge effort into visualising how inventions might play out in reality. One of his most
               famous quotes goes like this “I never came upon any of my discoveries through the
               process of rational thinking, Imagination is more important than knowledge,”

               Jim Carrey the actor wrote himself a check for $10m dollars which he would receive
               from his acting. He carried it in his wallet every day when he was a broke actor to                Page3

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