Page 5 - Microsoft Word - Creative Visualisation Transcript
P. 5
6 benefits of Creative Visualisation techniques.
1. Reduces stress
Even just taking the time out of your day to be still, silent and relaxed when
visualizing can help to reduce your stress and help you feel more positive.
Visualisation is a form of relaxation just like meditation. Because you would normally
be visualizing positive situations, it can naturally help to quieten your mind and keep
you feeling relaxed.
2. Increases Focus
Just like meditation, you can actually increase your focus and concentration by
sitting down and visualising. When you perform a task such as CV you are forgetting
your troubles from the day and any worries you might have about the future. This
gives you a chance to just focus and concentrate on your visualisations.
3. Gain Self Confidence
When you visualise, you are normally picturing yourself achieving success and
experiencing positive situations. This means that your self-confidence can increase,
as you would be starting to believe in yourself and that your visualisations could
come true. The more that you visualise yourself doing amazing things, the more
confident in yourself you can become.
4. Brings You Joy
Even though the visualisation may not be real right now, even the thought of it can
spark joy in your life. This is because your mind won’t know the difference between
the visualisation and reality. This means that you can experience the joy and
excitement you would feel if it were real, which only makes your visualisations
5. Gives You Inspiration
Just like with our confidence, visualisations can also give us a big dose of inspiration
too. When we visualise our goals and dreams, we become inspired to make them
happen. This inspiration can spur us to actually take action towards our goals. If we
can see our goals in a visualisation then it inspires us to make sure we will see it in
our reality as well.
6. Improved Relationships
As CV can help you with positivity, motivation, confidence, and inspiration, it can also
help you with improved relationships. This could be with friends or a partner. As you
visualise you become more confident in yourself and your abilities. This can help to
improve your social life and relationships as your overall wellbeing will be improved.
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