Page 6 - Microsoft Word - Creative Visualisation Transcript
P. 6
Not everyone can access their imagination easily without experience and practice.
Creative Visualisation is however, a powerful tool for achieving more positive results
with your goals and desires. The reason it doesn’t suit everyone is because the
process does take focus and commitment which some people are not prepared to
give. Proceed with the exercises that follow if you are prepared to open your mind
and suspend any scepticism or doubts you may have about its potential to help you.
For the readers who have decided to take this journey, congratulations. I feel
sure you will enjoy the experience and reap its many rewards.
The first stage of any exercise in creative visualisation is to enter a state of relaxation more
conducive to ensuring the success of the process.
Relaxation Techniques
Relaxation is the natural response to stress, and once learned it is easy to use. It
brings with it many outstanding extra benefits.
We must learn to use both sides of our brains as though we could stand on the
corpus callosum of the brain and reach into both sides of the neo-cortex at will.
We know that the way to trigger right-brain thinking, i.e. imaginative, intuitive,
creative thought, is by relaxing. Think about it – have you ever noticed how you tend
to get great ideas when you are away from your workplace, on holiday, walking the
dog, having a bath or even lying in your bed or sitting by the fireside?
By learning to relax and use the right side of the brain at will you will trigger greater use of
your thinking capacity. I have also discovered that the same state of mind can be used to Page6
bring rapid change in performance and personal growth in all areas of life. You will learn how
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