Page 4 - Microsoft Word - Creative Visualisation Transcript
P. 4
help him visualise becoming the big movie star he is today. Carrey also used to park
his car on Mulholland Drive, visualise seeing himself as a successful actor and
getting work from top directors. He says “I would visualise things coming to me. It
would just make me feel better. Visualisation works if you work hard”.
All successful people use creative visualisation consciously or unconsciously.They
visualise their goals as if they’ve already been accomplished. This makes them
believe that it’s only a matter a time before become reality.
Creative Visualisation has long been a part of elite sports. Athletes and professional
sportspeople will simulate scoring or winning while practising. If they convince
themselves they will score or win in their head, very often they do. Many of them
visualize in greatest detail how they intend to succeed, long before they start taking
action. The margins are so small in professional sports, it often comes down to belief
and mental performance. Creative Visualisation helps with both.
Creative visualisation can help you to put your goals and desires out into the
Universe and start to feel motivated to achieve them. CV can be extremely powerful
using the mind’s eye to create detailed images of what you want to manifest. This
can help you to feel more positive and motivated to achieve these goals. After
visualising, you should feel inspired and ready to take action towards your goals.
CV can be extremely powerful using the mind’s eye to create detailed images of
what you want to manifest. This can help you to feel more positive and motivated to
achieve these goals. After visualising, you should feel inspired and ready to take
action towards your goals.
When you visualize, you create new neural-pathways in your brain. Your
subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between a real memory, and a vividly
imagined visualization. When you constantly reinforce your visualised outcome your
mindset changes accordingly. Once your mindset changes, your behaviours and
habits change too. These new behaviours, actions and habits bring you into contact
with new people, new situations and new circumstances that will all help you achieve
the outcome you have been thinking about. When you really focus your thoughts
backed up by the right emotions you can accomplish great things. It is like acting out
a rehearsal in your mind of what you want to achieve over and over again. The more
you want this outcome, the more emotionally attached to it you will become. This will
make your subconscious mind try harder to make it become a reality.
There is nothing new in these powerful techniques. They have existed as far back as
I can make out – since time began. Perhaps the way I have put them together is
different, but that’s all.
The assumption I make is you are nowhere near your potential no matter how
successful or how challenging your life is right now. I will also assume that, due to
our education system, you mainly use the left side of your brain. Some of you will, of
course, be fairly creative and will use the right side of your brain more than most
other people, but I firmly believe that by working to develop more of the right side of
the brain – together with managing your stress, becoming more positive and learning Page4
to set goals – you will sense a dramatic change in how you experience life.
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