Page 274 - Amerikan Ulusal Bilimler Akademisi'nin Yanılgıları
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Amerikan Ulusal Bilimler Akademisi'nin Yan›lg›lar›
20 Gavin De Beer, Homology: An Science, (Cambridge: Cambridge
Unsolved Problem, London, Oxford University Press, 1909), s. 174-176
University Press, 1971; Richard 4 Stephen Jay Gould, 'Heterochrony',
Milton, Shattering The Myths of in Keller and Llyod (editörler), 1992,
Darwinism, Park Street Press, 1997, s. s. 161
180 5 K. S. Thomson, 'Ontogeny and
21 Richard Milton, Shattering The Phylogeny Recapitulated', American
Myths of Darwinism, Park Street Press, Scientist, vol.76, 1988, s. 273
1997, s. 180 6 C. McGowan, In the Beginning... A
22 Richard Milton, Shattering The Scientist Shows Why the Creationists are
Myths of Darwinism, Park Street Press, Wrong, Prometheus Books, 1984, s.
1997, s. 180 122
23 Rudolf A. Raff, The Shape of Life: 7 Ernst Mayr, The Growth of Biological
Genes, Development, and the Evolution Thought : Diversity, Evolution and
of Animal Form, Chicago (1996): The Inheritance, The Belknap Press of
University of Chicago Press Harvard University Press, 1982, s. 215
24 Richard Milton, Shattering The 8 Nicholas Rasmussen, 'The Decline
Myths of Darwinism, Park Street Press, of Recapitulationism in Early
1997, s.180 Twentieth-Century
Biology:Disciplinary Conflict and
UBA'NIN TÜRLER‹N YAYILIfiINI Consensus on the Battleground of
Theory', Journal of the History of
YANILGISI Biology 24 (1991), s. 51-89
1 G. Nelson, N. Platnick, Systematics 9 M. K. Richardson, et al., 'There is no
and Biogeography:Cladistics and highly conserved embriyonic stage in
Vicariance, Columbia University Press, the vertebrates: implications for cur-
1981 rent theories of evolution and devel-
2 James Glanz, New York Times, 8 opment', Anatomy & Embryology 196
Nisan 2001, Biology Text Illustrations (1997), s. 91-106; ayrıca bkz. Michael
More Fiction Than Fact K. Richardson, Steven P. Allen,
3 Adam Sedgwick, 'The Influence of Glenda M. Wright, Albert Raynaud,
Darwin on the Study of Animal ve James Hanken, 'Somite number
Embryology', s. 171-184 in A.C. and vertebrate evolution',
Seward (editör)Darwin and Modern Development 125 (1998)