Page 269 - Amerikan Ulusal Bilimler Akademisi'nin Yanılgıları
P. 269
Harun Yahya
7 Pierre Paul Grassé, Evolution of 1977, New York, N.Y., s.97-98
Living Organisms, 1977, s. 124-125 2 Francisco J. Ayala, "Genotype
8 J.B.S. Haldane, "Darwinism Under Environment and Population
Revision", in Numbers", Science, vol.162 (27 Aralık
Rationalist Annual (1935), s. 24. 1968), s. 1456
9 R.H. Peters, "Tautology in Evolution 3 James F. Crow, "Ionizing Radiation
and Ecology", American Naturalist and Evolution", Scientific American,
(1976), Vol. 110, No. 1, s. 1 vol. 201 (Eylül 1959), s. 138
10 Steven Stanley, Macroevolution: 4 "Genetic Effects of Radiation",
Pattern and Process (1979), John Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, No: 14, s.
Hopkins University, s. 193.
11. K.R. Popper, A Pocket Popper, ed. 5 Mahlon B. Hoagland, Hayatın
David Miller, Fontana, London, 1983; Kökleri, TÜB‹TAK Popüler Bilim
Kitapları 12.Basım, Mayıs 1998, s. 69
s. 242
6 Mahlon B. Hoagland, Hayatın
12 Stephen J. Gould, Ever Since
Kökleri, s. 153
Darwin, W. W. Norton, NewYork,
7 Warren Weaver, "Genetic Effects of
1977, s. 39
Atomic Radiation", Science, cilt 123, 29
13 Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters
Haziran 1956, s. 1159
of Charles Darwin, Cilt.II, New York:D.
8 Warren Weaver, "Genetic Effects of
Appleton and Company, 1888, s.10
Atomic Radiation", Science, s. 1158
14 Arthur Koestler, Janus: A summing
9 I.L. Cohen, Darwin Was Wrong: A
Up, Vintage Books; 1978, s. 185.
Study in Probabilities, New York: New
15 W. Coleman, Georges
Research Publications, Inc., 1984, s. 81
Cuvier:Zoologist, Harvard University
10 Kevin Padian, "The Whole Real
Press, Cambridge, Mass, s. 172-173
Guts of Evolution", Review of Genetics,
16 Richard Dawkins: The Blind
Paleontology and Macroevolution, By
Watchmaker. Harmondsworth,
Jeffrey S. Levinton, s. 77
Penguin, 1988, s. 5
11 Pierre-Paul Grassé, Evolution of
Living Organisms, Academic Press,
1977, New York, N.Y., s.97-98
12 Dr. Lee Spetner, "Lee
1 Pierre-Paul Grassé, Evolution of Spetner/Edward Max Dialogue:
Living Organisms, Academic Press, Continuing an exchange with Dr.