Page 272 - Amerikan Ulusal Bilimler Akademisi'nin Yanılgıları
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Amerikan Ulusal Bilimler Akademisi'nin Yan›lg›lar›

              4 S.M. Stanley, The New Evolutionary  12 S. J. Gould, 'Cordelia's Dilemma',
              Timetable:Fossils, Genes and the Origin  Natural History, fiubat, s. 10-18
              of Species, Basic Books, Inc Publishers,  13 N. Eldredge ve I. Tattersall, The
              New York, s.71                     Myths of Human Evolution, Columbia
              5 Michael Ruse, 'Is There a Limit to  University Press, 1982, s. 45-46
              Our Knowledge of Evolution',       14 David Raup, 'Conflicts Between
              Commentary in Bioscience, Vol.34,  Darwin and Paleontology', Bulletin,
              No.2, s. 101; Also printed in (editor)  Field Museum of Natural History, cilt
              But Is it Science? Philosophical Question  50, Ocak 1979, s. 24
              in the Creation/Evolution Controversy,  15 R. L. Gregory, Eye and Brain: The
              Promotheus Books, Buffalo, New     Physiology of Seeing, Oxford
              York, 1988, s. 116-126
                                                 University Press, 1995, s. 31.
              6 Niles Eldredge and Ian Tattersall,
                                                 16 Phillip E. Johnson, 'Darwinism's
              The Myths of Human Evolution,
                                                 Rules of Reasoning', Darwinism:
              Columbia University Press, 1982, s. 59
                                                 Science or Philosophy, Foundation for
              7 R. A. Raff and T. C. Kaufman,
                                                 Thought and Ethics, 1994, s. 12
              Embryos, Genes and Evolution: The
              Developmental Genetic Basis of
                                                 UBA'NIN ORTAK YAPILARI
              Evolutionary Change, Indiana
                                                 EVR‹ME DEL‹L GÖSTERME
              University Press, 1991, s. 34
              8 Ernst Mayr, One Long Argument:
              Charles Darwin and the Genesis of  1 Richard Milton, Shattering The
              Modern Evolutionary Thought, Harvard  Myths of Darwinism, Park Street Press,
              University Press, Cambridge,       1997, s. 179
              Massachusetts, 1991, s. 138        2 Ronald H. Brady, 'On the
              9 S. J. Gould, Is a new and general theo-  Independence of Systematics',
              ry of evolution emerging?', In Maynard  Cladistics 1 (1985), s. 113-126
              Smith (editor, 1982, s. 140        3 Frank Salisbury, 'Doubts About the
              10  S.J. Gould,'Evolution's Erratic  Modern Synthetic Theory of
              Pace', Natural History, vol. 86, May›s  Evolmution', American Biology Teacher,
              1977                               Eylül 1971, s. 338
              11 S. J. Gould, 'Ten Thousand Acts of  4 Dean Kenyon, Davis Percical, Of
              Kindness,' Natural History, Vol. 97,  Pandas and People: The Central Question
              No.12, Aral›k 1988, s. 14          of Biological Origins, Dallas: Haughton

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