Page 270 - Amerikan Ulusal Bilimler Akademisi'nin Yanılgıları
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Amerikan Ulusal Bilimler Akademisi'nin Yan›lg›lar›
Edward E. Max", 2001, Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, 2000, ¤
ner2.asp 5 Niles Eldredge, The Pattern of
13 Dr. Lee Spetner, http://www.true- Evolution, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 2000, s. 61.
14 Dr. Lee Spetner, http://www.true- 6 Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Cilt.II, D. Appleton
15 Dr. Lee Spetner, http://www.true- and Company, New York, 1888, s. 210.
16 Dr. Lee Spetner, http://www.true- 7 Richard G. Harrison, "Diverse ori- gins of biodiversity", Nature, vol. 411,
17 Gordon R. Taylor, The Great 7 Haziran 2001, s. 635-636.
Evolution Mystery, New York, Harper 8 Jeffrey H. Schwartz, Sudden Origins:
Fossils, Genes, and the Emergence of
& Row, 1983, s. 48
Species, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
18 Michael Pitman, Adam and
2000, s. 300.
Evolution, London, River Publishing,
9 Kevin Kelly, Out of Control: The New
1984, s. 70
Biology of Machines, Fourth Estate,
London, 1995, s. 475.
10 Gordon R. Taylor, The Great
Evolution Mystery, Harper & Row,
1 J.A. Endler, "Conceptual and Other
New York, 1983, s. 48; Michael
Problems in Speciation", s. 625, D.
Pitman, Adam and Evolution, River
Otte, J.A. Endler (editors), Speciation
Publishing, London, 1984, s. 70;
and Its Consequences, Sinauer Jeremy Rifkin, Algeny, Viking Press,
Associates, Sunderland, New York, 1983, s. 134.
Massachusetts, 1989. 11 Pierre-Paul Grassé, Evolution of
2 Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy, Yaflamın Living Organisms, Academic Press,
Temel Kuralları, Cilt I / Kısım I, 11. New York, 1977, s. 87; L.P. Lester, R.G.
baskı, Meteksan Yayınları, Ankara, Bohlin, The Natural Limits to Biological
1998, s. 624. Change, second edition, Probe Books,
3 M. Encarta Encyclopedia 2001 Deluxe Dallas, 1989, s. 88.
Edition CD, "Spider (arthropod)". 12 Paul N. Pearson, Katherine G.
4 Timothy A. Mousseau, Alexander E. Harcourt-Brown, "Speciation and the
Olvido, "Geographical Variation", Fossil Record", Encyclopedia of Life