Page 268 - Amerikan Ulusal Bilimler Akademisi'nin Yanılgıları
P. 268

Amerikan Ulusal Bilimler Akademisi'nin Yan›lg›lar›


              G‹R‹fi                              World', In the RNA World, New York:
                                                 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,
              1 Chandra Wickramasinghe, London
                                                 1993, s. 13
              Daily Express ile bir röportajından, 14
                                                 7 Jacques Monod, Chance and
              A¤ustos 1981
                                                 Necessity, New York: 1971, s.143
              2 Dr. Michael  Walker, Quadrant, Ekim
                                                 8 Gabby L.Dover,  "Looping the
              1982, s.44
                                                 Evolutionary loop. Review of the ori-
              3. Søren Løvtrup, Darwinism: The
                                                 gin of life from the birth of life to the
              Refutaion of a Myth, s.422 (1987)
                                                 origin of language",  Nature, 1999,
                                                 399: 218
              UBA'NIN HAYATIN KÖKEN‹
                                                 9 Leslie E. Orgel, 'The Origin of Life
                                                 on the Earth', Scientific American,
              1 Lahav, Noam, Biogenesis: Theories of  Ekim 1994, cilt 271, s. 78
              Life's Origins, s. 138-139 (Oxford  10 John Horgan, The End of Science,
              University Press, 1999).           MA Addison-Wesley, 1996, s. 139
              2  Klaus Dose, 'The Origin Of Life:
              More Questions Than Answers',      UBA'NIN DO⁄AL SELEKS‹YON
              Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, cilt  YANILGISI
              13, no.4, 1988, s. 348
                                                 1 Genelde düflünülmeden tekrarlanan
              3 Andrew Scott, 'Update on Genesis',
                                                 bir fikir veya ifade, deyim.
              New Scientist, vol. 106, 2 Mayıs 1985,  2 Stephen Jay Gould, "The Return of
              s. 30                              Hopeful Monsters", Natural History,
              4 SBS Vital Topics, David B. Loughran,  cilt 86, Temmuz-A¤ustos 1977, s. 28
              Nisan 1996, Stewarton Bible School,  3 S.J. Gould, Scientific American, Ekim
              Stewarton, Scotland,               1994, s. 85.
              URL:    4 Science, 1982,  no: 217, s. 1239-1240
              eb/sites/sbs777/vital/evolutio.html  5 Noble, et al., Parasitology, sixth edi-
              5 John Horgan, 'In the Beginning',  tion, "Evolution of Parasitism", Lea
              Scientific American, cilt 264, fiubat  and Febiger, 1989, s. 516.
              1991, s. 119                       6  Stephen Jay Gould, Ever since
              6 G.F. Joyce, L. E. Orgel, 'Prospects for  Darwin, W. W. Norton, 1997,
              Understanding the Origin of the RNA  NewYork, s. 40-41

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