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Harun Yahya

            Publishing, 1993, s. 33            Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons,
            5 Dean Kenyon, Percival Davis, Of  1999)s. 195-196; Jonathan Wells, Icons
            Pandas and People, s. 117          of Evolution, 2000, s.76
            6 Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory  14 Gavin De Beer, Homology: An
            in Crisis, Burnett Books, London, s.  Unsolved Problem, London: Oxford
            145                                University Press. 1971, s.16
            7 Michael Denton. Evolution: A Theory  15 Edmund B. Wilson, 'The
            in Crisis. London, Burnett Books,  Embryological Criterion of
            1985, s. 145                       Homology', s. 101-124 in Biological
            8 Richard Milton, Shattering The   Lectures Delivered at the Marine
            Myths of Darwinism, Park Street Press,  Biological Laboratory of Wood's Hole
            1997, s.180-181                    in the Summer Session of 1894
            9 Gavin De Beer, Homology: An      (Boston: Ginn & Company, 1895), s.
            Unsolved Problem, London, Oxford   107; Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution,
            University Press, 1971, s. 15-16   2000, s. 71
            10 Gavin De Beer, Homology: An     16 Gavin de Beer, Embryos and
            Unsolved Problem, London, Oxford   Ancestors, Third Edition,
            University Press, 1971; Jonathan   (Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1958), s. 152
            Wells, Icons of Evolution, Science or  17 Pere Alberch, 'Problems with the
            Myth? Why Much of What We Teach    Interpretation of Developmental
            About Evolution Is Wrong, Regnery  Sequences,' Systematic Zoology 34 (1):
            Publishing, Washington 2000, s. 73-74  46-58, 1985
            11 Ernst Mayr, Population, Species and  18 Rudolf Raff, 'Larval homologies
            Evolution, Harvard University Press,  and radical evolutionary changes in
            1970; Richard Milton, Shattering The  early development', s. 110-121 in
            Myths of Darwinism, Park Street Press,  (Novartis Symposium 222;
            1997, s. 181                       Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons,
            12 Richard Milton, Shattering The  1999), s. 111
            Myths of Darwinism, Park Street Press,  19 Gavin De Beer, Homology: An
            1997, s. 181                       Unsolved Problem, London, Oxford
            13 Gregory Wray, 'Evolutionary disso-  University Press, 1971; Richard
            ciations between homologous genes  Milton, Shattering The Myths of
            and homologous structures',        Darwinism, Park Street Press, 1997, s.
            Homology, (Novartis Symposium 222;  180

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