Page 271 - Amerikan Ulusal Bilimler Akademisi'nin Yanılgıları
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Harun Yahya

            Sciences, 2001, ¤         22 Jonathan Weiner, The Beak of the
            13 Kevin Kelly, Out of Control: The  Finch, Vintage Books, New York, 1994,
            New Biology of Machines, Fourth    s. 104-105
            Estate, London, 1995, s. 470-471.  23 Gailon Totheroh, 'Evolution
            14 David Tilman, "Causes, conse-   Outdated', 2001,
            quences and ethics of biodiversity",  http://?
            Nature, vol. 405, 11 Mayıs 2000, s. 208.  dex.php3?prog
            15 David Lack, 'Darwin's Finches',  ram=CRSCstories&command=view&i
            Scientific American, Nisan 1953    d=59
            16 Peter R. Grant, 'Natural Selection  24 Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution,
            and Darwin's Finches', Scientific  Regnery Publishing Inc., 2000, s. 173-
            American, Ekim 1991, s. 82-87      174.
            17 Jonathan Weiner, The Beak of the  25 Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution,
            Finch, Vintage Books, New York, 1994,  Regnery Publishing Inc., 2000, s. 174-
            s. 19
                                               175; Bkz. National Academy of
            18 Peter R. Grant, 'Natural Selection
                                               Sciences, Science and Creationism: A
            and Darwin's Finches', Scientific
                                               View from the National Academy of
            American, Ekim 1991, s. 82-87
                                               Sciences, Second Edition, Washington
            19 Peter R. Grant, B. Rosemary Grant,
                                               DC, 1999
            'Speciation and Hybridization in
                                               26  Phillip E. Johnson, 'The Church of
            Island Birds', Philosophical Transactions
                                               Darwin', The Wall Street Journal, 16
            of the Royal Society of London B 351,
                                               A¤ustos 1999
            1996, s. 765-772; Peter R. Grant, B.
            Rosemary Grant, 'Speciation and
                                               UBA'NIN FOS‹L KAYITLARI
            Hybridization of Birds on Islands', s.
                                               HAKKINDAK‹ YANILGILARI
            142-162 in Peter R. Grant (editor),
            Evolution on Islands, Oxford       1 Henry Gee, In Search of Deep Time,
            University Press, Oxford, 1998.    Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1999,
            20 Lisle Gibbs, Peter Grant,       s. 1-2
            'Oscillating Selection on Darwin's  2 C. Darwin (1859), The Origin of
            Finches', Nature, vol. 327, 1987, s. 511-  Species (Reprint of the first edition),
            513                                Avenel Books, Crown Publishers,
            21 Peter R. Grant, 'Natural Selection  New York, 1979, s.292
            and Darwin's Finches', Scientific  3  C. Darwin,  1859,  Origin of Species,
            American, Ekim 1991, s. 82-87      London:  John Murray.

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