Page 124 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 124


                     A man who re mains stiff-necked aft er many re bukes will sud -
                     den ly be de stroyed—with out rem e dy. (Proverbs, 29:1)

                     ... For you are a stiff-necked peo ple... you have been re bel lious
                     against the Lord. (Deuteronomy, 9:6-7)

                     They re fused to lis ten and fail ed to re mem ber the mir a cles
                     You per formed among them. They be came stiff-necked and in
                     their re bel lion ap point ed a lead er in or der to re turn to their
                     slav ery. But You are a for giv ing God, gra cious and com pas -
                     sion ate.. .and abound ing in love. Therefore You did not desert
                     them... (Nehemiah, 9:17)

                     However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not

                     care ful ly fol low all His com mands and de crees I am giv ing
                     you to day, all these curs es will come up on you and over take
                     you: You will be curs ed in the city and curs ed in the coun try.
                     Your bas ket and your knead ing trough will be curs ed. The
                     fruit of your womb will be curs ed, and the crops of your land,
                     and the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks. You
                     will be curs ed when you come in and curs ed when you go

                     out. The Lord will send on you curs es, con fu sion and re buke
                     in ev ery thing you put your hand to, un til you are de stroyed
                     and come to sud den ru in be cause of the evil you have done
                     in for sak ing Him. The Lord will plague you with dis eas es un -
                     til He has de stroyed you from the land you are en ter ing to
                     pos sess. (Deuteronomy, 28:15-21)

                     If you do not care ful ly fol low all the words of this law, which

                     are writ ten in this book, and do not re vere this glo ri ous and
                     awe some name—the Lord your God—the Lord will send fear -
                     ful plagues on you and your de scend ants, harsh and pro -

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