Page 127 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 127
Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)
His hand will be against you,
as it was against your fa thers. (1 Samuel,
They... re fused to live by His law. They for got what He had
done, the wond ers He had shown them. But they... re belled
against the Most High; they did not keep His stat utes. Like
their fa thers they were dis loy al and faith less, as un re li a ble as
a faulty bow. (Psalms, 78:10-11, 56-57)
For they had re belled against the words of God and de spised
the coun sel of the Most High... Some be came fools through
their re bel lious ways and suf fered af flic tion be cause of their
in iq ui ties. (Psalms, 107:11, 17)
You have laid down pre cepts that are to be ful ly obeyed. Oh,
that my ways were stead fast in obey ing Your de crees! Then
I would not be put to shame when I con sid er all Your com -
mands. I will praise You with an up right heart as I learn Your
right eous laws. I will obey Your de crees; do not ut ter ly for -
sake me. (Psalms, 119:4-8)
... I obey Your pre cepts. I have kept my feet from ev ery evil
path so that I might obey Your word. I have not de part ed
from Your laws, for You your self have taught me. How
sweet are Your words to my taste, sweet er than hon ey to my
mouth! I gain un der stand ing from Your pre cepts; there fore I