Page 129 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 129
Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)
Because he has de spised the Lord's word and bro ken His com -
mands, that per son must sure ly be cut off; his guilt re mains on
him. (Numbers, 15:31)
So I told you, but you would not lis ten. You re belled against
the Lord's com mand and in your ar ro gance you marched up
in to the hill coun try. (Deuteronomy, 1:43)
... She has re ject ed My laws and has not fol lowed My de crees.
Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: "You have
been more un ru ly than the na tions around you and have not
fol lowed My de crees or kept My laws. You have not even con -
formed to the stand ards of the na tions around you." Therefore
this is what the Sovereign Lord says: "I Myself am against
you... and I will in flict pun ish ment on you in the sight of the
na tions." (Ezekiel, 5:6-8)
But they re belled against Me and would not lis ten to Me; they
did not get rid of the vile im a ges they had set their eyes on,
nor did they for sake the idols of Egypt. (Ezekiel, 20:8)
But the chil dren re belled against Me: They did not fol low My
de crees, they were not care ful to keep My laws—al though the
man who obeys them will live by them... I will purge you of
those who re volt and rebel against Me. Although I will bring
them out of the land where they are liv ing... (Ezekiel, 20:21, 38)
I dealt with them ac cord ing to their un clean ness and their of -
fenses... (Ezekiel, 39:24)
Because you did not obey the Lord... the Lord has done this to
you to day. (1 Samuel, 28:18)
But if you or your sons turn away from Me and do not ob serve