Page 224 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 224
troub le. The Lord dislikes ly ing lips, but He de lights in men
who are truth ful. (Proverbs, 12:17-22)
The mouth of the right eous is a foun tain of life, but vi o lence
over whelms the mouth of the wick ed. (Proverbs, 10:11)
The mouth of the right eous brings forth wis dom, but a per -
verse tongue will be cut out. The lips of the right eous know
what is fit ting, but the mouth of the wick ed on ly what is per -
verse. (Proverbs, 10:31-32)
The right eous hate what is false, but the wick ed bring shame
and dis grace. (Proverbs, 13:5)
I said, "I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin; I
will put a muz zle on my mouth as long as the wick ed are in
my pres ence." (Psalms, 39:1)
True in struc tion was in his mouth and noth ing false was
found on his lips. He walk ed with me in peace and up right -
ness, and turned many from sin. (Malachi, 2:6)
... I open my lips to speak what is right. My mouth speaks
what is true, for my lips de test wick ed ness. All the words of
my mouth are just; none of them is crook ed or per verse. To
the dis cern ing all of them are right; they are fault less to those
who have knowl edge. (Proverbs, 8:6-9)
A scoun drel and vil lain, who goes about with a cor rupt
mouth. (Proverbs, 6:12)
A truth ful wit ness does not de ceive, but a false wit ness pours
out lies. (Proverbs, 14:5)
... They take de light in lies. With their mouths they bless, but
in their hearts they curse. (Psalms, 62:4)