Page 226 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 226
Friend de ceives friend, and no one
speaks the truth. They have taught their
tongues to lie; they wea ry them selves with
sin ning... Their tongue is a dead ly ar row; it
speaks with de ceit. With his mouth each
speaks cor dial ly to his neigh bor, but in his
heart he sets a trap for him. (Jeremiah, 9:5, 8)
You use your mouth for evil and har ness
your tongue to de ceit. (Psalms, 50:19)
Whose mouths are full of lies, whose right
hands are de ceit ful. (Psalms, 144:8)
He who con ceals his ha tred has ly ing lips,
and who ev er spreads slan der is a fool.
(Proverbs, 10:18)
The tongue of the right eous is choice
sil ver, but the heart of the wick ed is of
lit tle val ue. The lips of the right eous
nour ish many, but fools die for lack of
judg ment. (Proverbs, 10:20-21)
He who walks right eous ly and
speaks what is right... This is the man
who will dwell on the heights, whose
ref uge will be the moun tain for tress.
His bread will be sup plied, and wa ter
will not fail him. (Isaiah, 33:15-16)
These are the things you are to do:
Speak the truth to each oth er...
(Zechariah, 8:16)