Page 231 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 231

Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)

                There is de ceit in the hearts of those who plot evil, but joy for
                those who pro mote peace. (Proverbs, 12:20)

                ... for sak ing Me and serv ing oth er gods, so they are do ing to
                you... but warn them sol emn ly... (1 Samuel, 8:8-9)

                [David:] Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pur sue
                it. (Psalms, 34:14)

                 [Job:] But my mouth would en cour age you; com fort from
                my lips would bring you re lief. (Job, 16:5)

                                Avoiding Idle Talk

                All hard work brings a prof it, but mere talk leads on ly to
                pov er ty. (Proverbs, 14:23)

                ... and not do ing as you please or speak ing idle words, then
                you will find your joy in the Lord. (Isaiah, 58:13-14)

                Would a wise man an swer with emp ty no tions or fill his bel -
                ly with the hot east wind? Would he ar gue with use less
                words, with speech es that have no val ue? (Job, 15:2-3)

                Therefore thus said the Lord God; "Because you have spo ken
                van i ty, and seen lies, there fore, be hold, I am against you,"
                said the Lord God. (Ezekiel, 13:8)

                ... Why then this mean ing less talk? (Job, 27:12)

                ... He speaks van i ty: His heart gath ers in iq ui ty to it self; when
                he goes abroad, he tells it... (Psalms, 41:6)

                ... They are proph e sy ing to you false vi sions, div i na tions, ido -
                la tries and the de lu sions of their own minds. (Jeremiah, 14:14)

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